5 Topics Every Business Can Post Ab0ut On Instagram
Do you ever feel completely unsure of what to post about on Instagram? What does a business even talk about on social media? Well, we have you covered! Below you'll find 5 themes that every business can post about whether you're service-based OR product-based!
1. EDUCATION. Give helpful tips that you're an expert on. It's so important to give before you receive. This establishes you as a thought-leader in your industry and helps people to TRUST you!
2. INSPIRATION. Share inspirational posts that encourage people within your space or show them what life would look like if they used your product or service (think inspirational quotes, aspirational images, etc).
3. THE TEAM. Tell people about your team & the heart behind what you do! Users love to get to know the people behind the business to establish a relationship and TRUST (seeing a theme here?).
4. THE WHY. This is just as important as what you do. We love the quote from Seth Godin, "People do not buy goods & services. They buy relations, stories & magic."
5. THE PRODUCT. We share this one last because it might be the least important. Yes, you need to let everyone know what you offer (and be clear about it)... However, we don't want to be constantly selling. Try to weave these into your story in an organic and meaningful way!
What do you think of these 5 themes? Which ones are you using?
If you still need help on how to build your Instagram account, check out our recent post on growing your account or contact us here to learn more about our services!